small platformer with boss fight and swords and more, feel free to give feedback.

A and D to move SPACE to jump, right click to dash when unlocked, left click to swipe sword when unlocked


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This is actually pretty tight! The mechanics are pretty tight and rewarding! One suggestion I'd have is to maybe lower the respawn time, as I found myself dying an awful lot.  I also think maybe having a bigger frame would be nice to get a better sense of what's ahead. Great work though, I think if you stick with this you could have a really great product!

a surprisingly fun game given its simplicity. dashing and deflecting projectiles is satisfying to do well and the boss was surprisingly engaging after figuring out how it works.
one issue I had though is that wall jumping is a little janky with how the character stays attached to the wall after sliding onto the ground, there's also a bug where it's possible to enter the wall jumping state when landing on the floor in certain cases. hope my feedback helps!

thanks a lot for the feedback I was worrie the boss fight might be too hard but i'm happy you liked it I'll see what I can do about those bugs.